Category: WordPress Themes
WordPress Backend Design Study – An Alternative to MP6?
Our designer and usability expert Nick at did a design study on the coming WordPress backend design MP6 for version 3.7 and tried to analyse what can be done better and how! Also interesting question he asks: The dashboard is the least used and yet most needed page in the back-end. Why? More screens…
Implement a 404 image in your Theme
Every good Theme comes with a 404.php for requests that don’t match any post or page. But what to do with missing images? They are requested per an <img> element usually, your visitors may never see the HTML template. Let’s use a 404 image. I put the following code on top of my 404.php before…
Enqueue comment-reply.js – The Right Way
Since Google takes the loading time of a page as a ranking factor, it is always important for a theme designer to incorporate the required resources correctly. In Xtreme One WordPress Framework our JavaScripts are loaded only when they are really needed. Do you have a slider widget on the home page, then the JavaScript…
WordPress Jeopardy
The idea of a little game in WordPress came at the WordCamp Switzerland in early 2011. For an interactive session at the WordCamp Germany in Cologne in 2011, one of the creators Thomas, thought that it’d be nice to have a game-session. On 24th of September started the first WordPress Jeopardy Game Session. For that,…
Win 5 Licenses Of The New WordPress Framework Xtreme One Version – Including Awesome New Features!
With version 1.3 many features were added to improve the workflow and significantly improve page performance. An overview of all the special features of Xtreme Theme can be seen here: Besides many small changes under the hood, the new Widget System Extensions is one of the biggest innovation in Xtreme One. For multisite installations widgets…