WordPress Hacks, Tips, Tutorials from the last decade.

  • Customizing the User Registration Notification eMails

    If a new user registers at a WordPress site the new user and the administrator receive notification emails: User: From: myBlog (info@myBlog.com)Subject: [myBlog] Your username and password info Username: new_user To set your password, visit the following address:<http://myblog/wp-login.php?action=rp&key=3oCJkevP1ZSSb0P8DlOW&login=new_user> http://myblog/wp-login.php Admin: From: myBlog (info@myBlog.com)Subject: [myBlog] New User Registration New user registration on your site myBlog: Username:…

  • Download older plugin versions from wordpress.org

    There’s a simple way to get hold of previous versions of your WordPress plugins, for example if a current version breaks your setup.

  • Create your own bulk actions

    Including version 4.6 it was quite difficult to add custom bulk actions to the WordPress admin pages. In version 4.7 a hook is added that simplifies the task a lot: add_action(‘bulk_actions-{screen_id}’, ‘my_bulk_action’); Defining the hook As an example we’ll use the post page, the variables are named accordingly. add_filter( ‘bulk_actions-edit-post’, ‘register_my_bulk_actions’ );

  • Download older plugin versions from wordpress.org

    So you’ve updated your plugins… … and your blog doesn’t work anymore … and you have no backup … … of course not! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could download the previous versions and get your blog back on track again? Well… you can!

  • Test or Meet at WordCamp San Francisco and Win a Plugin License!

    Next week I will be at WordCamp San Francisco and a week later at the WooConf! Maybe one or antoher of our loyal readers will also be there. It would be great to meet you in person! Frank and I had such a blast at WordCamp Europe in Sofia last month. It was great to…

  • Inform user about automatic comment closing time

    To prevent spammers from flooding old articles with useless comments you can set WordPress to close comments after a certain number of days: It might be surprising for some users if the comments are closed automatically so it might be a good idea to inform them about the remaining time. add_action( ‘comment_form_top’, ‘topic_closes_in’ ); function…