Author: Alex

  • Test or Meet at WordCamp San Francisco and Win a Plugin License!

    Next week I will be at WordCamp San Francisco and a week later at the WooConf! Maybe one or antoher of our loyal readers will also be there. It would be great to meet you in person! Frank and I had such a blast at WordCamp Europe in Sofia last month. It was great to…

  • Every Day A Post of WordPress Tips and Tricks until Christmas!

    The time has come and our loyal reader know already our traditional Advents Calendar. For the people who don’t know, every year we had in December each day, until the 24th (Christmas Eve in Germany), a post with specials, tips, tricks, plugins, tutorials and so on. Since it is quite a lot work to accomplish…

  • Download the new Xtreme One WordPress Framework for free and test now!

    With pleasure we can now announce that Xtreme One 1.6 was released as a beta last week! Xtreme One WordPress Framework gives you the freedom to easily create your WordPress Themes. No more inflexible layouts or having to change the code all the time. With the powerful framework you are able to realize your ideas…

  • Meet Us At WordCamp Europe!

    This weekend Frank and I will be attending and speaking at the first ever WordCamp Europe in Leiden near Amsterdam, Netherlands! We are really thrilled to be there and can’t wait to meet all the WordPress Gurus from all over the world and see some really interesting sessions! Frank and Toscho will have a presentation…

  • WordPress Backend Design Study – An Alternative to MP6?

    Our designer and usability expert Nick at did a design study on the coming WordPress backend design MP6 for version 3.7 and tried to analyse what can be done better and how! Also interesting question he asks: The dashboard is the least used and yet most needed page in the back-end. Why? More screens…

  • We’ve Lost A Very Good Friend, WordPress Enthusiast And An Important Part Of WPEngineer!

    We’ve Lost A Very Good Friend, WordPress Enthusiast And An Important Part Of WPEngineer!

    Sadness has descended on WPEngineer last week. Michael Preuß, one of our WPEngineer Team, died suddenly after a short illness and after a memorable life. Frank and I are still in shock and we can’t realize that Michael left us without saying goodbye. He leaves a big gap in our life. He was not only…