Quick View on WordPress Settings

WordPress-Christmas-18In all versions of WordPress, there is the possibility to view all settings within the admin area of WordPress, but a menu link doesn’t exist. The page options.php enables to have a quick look at various options and also allows you to save settings.
However, it must be said, WordPress stores more data in serialized form, which also is a good thing, but those you can no longer edit on this page.


Nonetheless, certainly worth a look and now and then a help to quickly look into the settings of the blog. Alternatively, the plugin WP Developer Assistant can help here, because it also allows a glimpse into the serialized data.

Example-URL: http://example.com/wp-admin/options.php

Alternatively you can also add a menu link. Add the following snippet in to the functions.php of your theme or create a Plugin.

function all_settings_page() {
	add_options_page( __( 'All Settings' ), __( 'All Settings' ), 'administrator', 'options.php' );
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'all_settings_page' );





5 responses to “Quick View on WordPress Settings”

  1. Markus Avatar

    i get a white page if i include this code 🙁

  2. Frank Avatar

    @Markus: what is the url of your options.php? (Example: http://mytest.com/wpbranches/2.9/wp-admin/options.php) I had tested this on differtent installs of WordPress, works fine

  3. Markus Avatar

    i already included this code…
    can´t remember

  4. Octav Avatar

    @Markus: how about you take a look and see.

  5. akhy Avatar

    looks like a hidden secret eh?
    interesting, 😀