PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Source

Yesterday, we have post over the faster search for the WordPress codex WPLookup and today we give you a nice search for the reference of different WordPress versions from Joost de Valk.

Yoast write over his search tools:

This site provides a PHP Cross Reference of the WordPress and BBPress source, using PHPXref. The Trunk versions are updated from SVN every 30 minutes, and major new releases will be added here as soon as possible.

For future use, bookmark this search page, that’ll load faster and has all the search options, or install one of the search plugins below!

PHP Cross Reference of WordPress from Joost de Valk on Vimeo






4 responses to “PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Source”

  1. Joost de Valk Avatar

    Thanks for the writeup!

    It’s actually Joost de Valk ๐Ÿ™‚ My domain is called Yoast so english speaking people understand how to pronounce my name ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Michael Avatar

    You are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚
    Sorry for the typo. Its fixed now.

  3. Anthony Avatar


    Incorrect WordPress logo sited!

  4. Joost de Valk Avatar

    Sited even? ๐Ÿ™‚ Where?