WordPress 2.8 Widgets Options Page – First Screenshot!

In the current trunk of WordPress is a “first run” of the new widget management available to see. This is a development version, it shows the warning “This page is not 100% ready, please use only on test installations.”.

Also new is that the sidebar now saves or updates via AJAX. Here is a Screenshot from the current development version:

WordPress 2.8 Backend Widget Options





10 responses to “WordPress 2.8 Widgets Options Page – First Screenshot!”

  1. Kel Avatar

    Step in the right direction, but I’d also like to see them put in the option of showing “sidebars” that already have widgets loaded.

    Many of the themes/frameworks now have several sidebars or widgitable (yes, it’s a word) areas, but the current WordPress UI makes it so you have to keep clicking the dropdown menu to check and see which areas already have widgets assigned.

  2. […] nouvelles fonctionnalités de cette version, direction le codex WordPress 2.8. Voici également la première capture d’écran de ce que sera la page d’options des widgets dans cette prochaine […]

  3. dinu Avatar

    cool 😀 should update my test blog now and check !!!

  4. […] nouvelles fonctionnalités de cette version, direction le codex WordPress 2.8. Voici également la première capture d’écran de ce que sera la page d’options des widgets dans cette prochaine […]

  5. […] there have been a lot of announcements and screenshots out there. What we’ve got here from WPEngineer is the first screenshow on the web of the WordPress 2.8 widgets options […]

  6. […] nouvelles fonctionnalités de cette version, direction le codex WordPress 2.8. Voici également la première capture d’écran de ce que sera la page d’options des widgets dans cette prochaine […]

  7. […] Found this on a Google search >> WordPress 2.8 Widget Options sneak peek […]

  8. Jason Avatar

    Now that v2.8 is officially released I have installed it on a new blog to test out the features.

    I can’t seem to get the drag/drop to work on the widgets admin. It is like there is no AJAX on the page at all. This is in FF3 and IE8.

    Any clues?

  9. Aaron Avatar

    @Jason – I ran into the same problem. For me it was a conflict with a particular plugin (Category Icons).


  10. wpcoder Avatar

    wouldn’t it be better if they could create a drag and drop interface which shows the actual layout with the sidebars just like blogger has so for example if you had a 3 column layout the widget page should show 2 widgetised columns on left and right while the post is in the middle ?