Tag: Code

  • Localization with JavaScript in WordPress

    Creating Plugins and Theme functions with multilanguage capability has been established knowadays.Especially for us as German developers it is a must have. But there are some difficulties if you are using JavaScript, the question is how to provide it multilingual or provide option values in different languages. WordPress offers some possibilities and I like to…

  • Add trash button to WordPress Admin Bar

    Add trash button to WordPress Admin Bar

    Add Custom buttons to WordPress Admin Bar Since version 3.1 of WordPress you have an Admin Bar with several functions. It’s an easy task to add custom buttons to the Admin Bar. I will show you how with an example of a “trash” button. This will be another example how to extend your Admin Bar,…

  • View Blog ID in WordPress Multisite

    When you work quite a bit with WordPress Multisites, sometimes you need the IDs for some functions or Plugins. The easiest way is via the hover effect with your mouse or you use a little code snippet to add a column with the ID in the table view.

  • php-Console with Chrome and WordPress

    Google Browser Chrome and their Chromium project are becoming more popular. Initially it was the speed of Chrome, which made it so popular but now also the extensions are getting in the focus of the users. Nowadays the extension market of Chrome is full of very useful extensions. Of course there are also many enhancements…

  • Move WordPress Admin Bar to the Bottom

    Not everybody likes the WordPress Admin Bar, which exists since WordPress 3.1, at the top of the browser. With just a bit CSS you can change it. The following function provides CSS directly in the footer of backend and frontend. It displays the Admin Bar at the bottom.

  • Linux Programming Fonts

    I’m working on different systems and every system uses different fonts in their editor. I like to introduce some fonts in Linux and it might help you to find your favorite. This is not an article about WordPress directly, but many of us using an editor for the most time, while developing with WordPress.