Tag: backend
Restrict Mime Types on WordPress Media Upload
WordPress has changed the library in version 3.3 – which I think is an improvement. The restrictions in terms of file types remains and you can control them via hook. So you can limit or extend the file-types. Via two hooks, this is done quickly and there is a notification displayed in your backend which…
Activate WordPress Plugins Automatically via a Function
WordPress stores the active Plugins in the database table options, field activate_plugins, so it is easy to change this value to activate various Plugins by WordPress; either as a Plugin solution after setting up a new installation or because some Plugins need some other Plugins.
Advent Calendar – WordPress, WPCron and the right Time
WordPress offers a pseudo-cronjob functionality, which allows the developer to execute scheduled events. For example, the whole Update Notification does it. In these so-called Scheduled Events you can define your own jobs. Thereby you should however pay attention to one important thing: time.
Advent Calendar – WordPress Editor: Preserve the scroll position
WordPress has a nice editor, with which are several hundreds of articles written daily. But in my opinion the editor has an usability issue. Every time you save a post the scroll position of the editor will be on top again. If you want to continue writing the post you have first to find he…
Use Constants for deactivate the Editor in WordPress Backend
WordPress is known for, that several constants lie dormant in the core and often provide quick solutions. In this context I have recently come across two little strings in the core of the backend editor of WordPress and in the core for updating the system as well. As far as I know, all constants mentioned…
How to Add and Deactivate the new Feature Pointer in WordPress 3.3
With WordPress version 3.3 comes with the Feature Pointer a well-known idea from other tools. We know this for example from Gmail or Google Doc where they notice you of new features, in which they point with bubbles to these new features. In WordPress 3.3, the Admin Bar has been redesigned successfully – I think…