Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Will We Meet You At WordCamp Germany This Weekend?

    Frank, Micha and I will participate at the WordCamp Germany this weekend. We are looking forward to see Matt and everybody else in the WordPress scene. We hope we will meet some of our readers as well. It’s always great to meet people in person, especially if you know them just via internet for a…

  • Core Plugins – Bless Or Curse

    The WP Hackers mailing list is always good for a discussion and so far I like to participate. Currently, there is a new debate concerning the development of Plugins to the core theme. Andrew, an experienced and avid developer, submitted the issue in a guest contribution on WP Tavern and brings some important points to…

  • Numbering your comments, pingbacks, trackbacks or all

    Since WordPress 2.7 exists an API for the comment area. Thereby you can purge the PHP-portion within comments.php. Jean-Baptiste shows a simple solution to count comments. This solution is very well known and get used pretty much since the first release of WordPress. But if you like to have a filter, which counts only the…

  • Removing WordPress Login Design

    In a previous post, I showed the possibility, how to use WordPress in regard to Corporate Identity. For example adjusting the login area. This shouldn’t be a tough task with the according articles. Create Your Own WordPress Login Design 10 Checks to the Perfect WordPress theme In both cases I didn’t talk about how to…

  • Spelling WordPress Always Correctly

    Sometimes it happens that you have misspelled WordPress in your article because you were in a rush. Since WordPress is a registered trademark, it should be natural to write WordPress the correct way. As Lorelle mentioned on her blog, Matt wrote a script, which forces WordPress into WordPress across all of the 5 million plus…

  • WordPress and register_sidebar

    Everyone who is building WordPress Themes probably implement the widget function in their theme. Code for the widgets is in functions.php. Here a code snippet of the default theme: