Category: WordPress Tutorials

  • Moving Your WordPress Blog To A New Domain

    Many blog owners are scared and hesitated to move their blog to another domain because they fear to lose their visitors, downtime and other complications. I will show you now how to get rid off this fear and how to avoid problems while you moving.

  • WordPress Shortcode API

    WordPress 2.5 extended the tagging function and added many little features. Among others the shortcode API for example, where you can add strings to a content in a fast and easy way. This makes the call from other functions in Plugins or theme functions much more easier. The possibilities of shortcodes are immense, many other…

  • OpenSearch – Search Field For Mozilla And Internet Explorer With WordPress

    Nowadays search field in your browser improved quite a bit, even IE supports OpenSearch format. But what is so great about OpenSearch and how easy it is to use with your WordPress installation has two aspects: WordPress comes already with OpenSearch and it’s easy configurable with XML. You just have to put a link in…

  • Use Metaboxes In Your Theme Or Plugin

    Not only the design changed since version 2.5. Also the markup was changed immensely, so there might be changes in the editor area, if you use pluigns, which implements data there. Here a little workaround, how to keep the design in editor area.