We’ve Lost A Very Good Friend, WordPress Enthusiast And An Important Part Of WPEngineer!

Sadness has descended on WPEngineer last week. Michael Preuß, one of our WPEngineer Team, died suddenly after a short illness and after a memorable life.

Frank and I are still in shock and we can’t realize that Michael left us without saying goodbye. He leaves a big gap in our life. He was not only our teammate at WPEngineer, he also was a very good friend, who have shared the same love for WordPress and the community as we do.

We didn’t meet us very often in person, since we live quite far away from each other. But when we did, we always had a blast and fun talking about WordPress and other stuff that was going on right now around the world. But most of the time we were talking on the phone for hours, literally.

This time our reunion was one of Frank’s and my saddest moment. We had to carry Michael to his grave. It was painful, incomprehensible and unbearable at once. Unlikely for us, not one word about WordPress, this time we had to mourn the loss of our beloved friend Michael.

Feb 2009 - Matt meets WPEngineer: Frank, Michael, Matt, Alex

Feb 2009 – Matt meets WPEngineer: Frank, Michael, Matt, Alex

Just 4 years ago we got to know each other and became very good friends. Michael, Frank and I had the urge to give the WordPress community something back, a platform for writing tips, tricks and solutions for the WordPress community – WPEngineer was born! Frank and I will continue to publish future posts, despite the loss we have.

We will also help his partner and friend Heiko, to continue Michael’s life’s work Xtreme Theme.

He left his wonderful and caring wife Carola and his two sons Robert and Alexander behind, and I’m sure, many other WordPress Junkies, like we are, who still can’t believe he is gone forever!

You will always be in our Source Code!

In deepest sympathy

Alex & Frank





29 responses to “We’ve Lost A Very Good Friend, WordPress Enthusiast And An Important Part Of WPEngineer!”

  1. Jean Avatar

    Sad news indeed, my prayers are for him and his loved ones. May you have the strength to continue all the good work you’ve started in together.

  2. Kevin Leary Avatar
    Kevin Leary

    Terribly sad news, I wish the best for Michael’s family along with the WPEngineer team. The high quality resources you’ve continued to provide over the years have been hugely helpful.

  3. Andrea_R Avatar

    So very sorry for your … no, our loss. The community’s loss. 🙁

  4. Michael Oeser Avatar

    I´m shocked! I only met him once in Berlin so I didn´t knew him well but he was an important part of the community and much too young to leave forever.

    I´d like to express my condolence to his wife and children…

  5. kim Avatar

    Been following you guys for years without commenting.

    I guess this post spurred me to simply pass my condolences to the family, the friends and the folks at wpengineer.com.

  6. Ricardo Avatar

    I’m sorry for your loss, many readers of this blog will miss him. All my support from Spain.

  7. Miriam Schwab Avatar

    Such a tragedy. I’m so sorry for your loss, and condolences to you and Michael’s family.

  8. Ian Stewart Avatar

    I’m so sorry to hear this. This must be incredibly hard for you all and everybody that knew Michael.

  9. adumpaul Avatar

    We lose a skillful person.My heartiest sympathy to his family.

  10. […] Sadness has descended on WPEngineer last week. Michael Preuß, one of our WPEngineer Team, died suddenly after a short illness and after a memorable life. Frank and I are still in shock and we can’t realize that Michael left us without …More By Alex […]

  11. Pothi Kalimuthu Avatar
    Pothi Kalimuthu

    Sorry to hear that. RIP Michael.

  12. Matt Kaludi Avatar

    Very sorry to hear this, RIP.

  13. Rudolf Krajewski Avatar

    As buddhist, I believe that this good person will reborn soon in a very happy destiny!

    Let the sun shine will be with his spirit all the time!

  14. Curtis Avatar

    I’m very sorry for this great loss of your friend. Michael will live on through your work.

  15. marcelo araujo Avatar
    marcelo araujo

    god bless you all!

  16. THE MOLITOR Avatar

    “You will always be in our Source Code!”

    What better way to remember someone who loved their work. So sorry for your loss.

    – Chris

  17. Dusan Avatar

    My condolences to you and the family. Very sad news

  18. Priyank Avatar

    This is extremely sad. May God give his family courage to bear this loss.

  19. Pratik Chourdia Avatar

    Really very sad. When someone closer leaves us for ever it really hurts.

    RIP Michael

  20. Basharat Ali Avatar
    Basharat Ali

    May ALLAH ALMIGHTY Rest his Soul in Peace and give his family all strength they need to overcome this great loss. AMEEN

  21. Kunal Varma Avatar

    R.I.P. Michael! God Bless!

  22. Sven Knoch Avatar

    Beeindruckender, seltener Mensch. Packend, begeistert, trocken, humorvoll, kompetent. Allen, die ihm nahe waren Kraft in schwerer Zeit.

  23. Dieter Avatar

    A loss of a remarkable person and for the wordpress community!
    My condolence to his wife and children…

    R.I.P. Micha

  24. […] Michael Preuß, one of the partners involved in the popular WordPress community site WPEngineer has passed away. Sadness has descended on WPEngineer last week. Michael Preuß, one of our WPEngineer Team, died […]

  25. Len Avatar

    This is such sad news. My sincere condolences. I am glad to see you have decided to carry on Michael’s work with Xtreme. That’s a wonderful way to honour a friend.

  26. Ashish Chowdhury Avatar

    I am with the WP Engineer team in this hour of grief. I join all of you in our prayer for the soul!

  27. […] besitzt, kann man durch den Tod nicht verlieren., Na Zauberer, was hast du diesmal gebaut ? und We’ve Lost A Very Good Friend, WordPress Enthusiast And An Important Part Of WPEngineer!). Sein Lebenswerk Xtreme One werden in seinem Sinne seine Freunde Heiko Rabe und Alex Frison […]

  28. sinan işler Avatar
    sinan işler

    R.I.P. Michael! God Bless! 🙁