Category: WPengineer Misc

  • How To Start Blogging?

    Lately I have the impression that many people start a blog but don’t think about what they should write about, no goal, no use, no sense. Just a hype they want to be part of. How do I start blogging? I put together some suggestions in this article:

  • Last Day To Vote For Us To Be The Coolest Blog Powered By WordPress

    Hey fellow readers, today is the last day to vote for the coolest blog powered by WordPress and because of your great help we are on an awesome 4th place! Thank you sooo much for your great support. We are only 40 votes behind the 3rd and only 60 votes behind the 2nd place. We…

  • Cheat Sheet for Regular Expressions

    Regular Expressions can really be a pain in the ass – so any help is normally welcome. Today I will present a Cheat Sheet by which is really helpful when dealing with regular expressions. I’m proud to announce this sheet, because they also have a variety of other great cheat sheets available for download…

  • We Made It On The List Of The Coolest Blog Powered By WordPress

    Yee haw!!! Today we made it on the top 20 list of the coolest blog powered by WordPress on WP Freedom Blog, thanks guys!!! Now it’s time to vote for the coolest blog ever. It would be a great support if you help us to be the one. Just go to their voting list and…

  • Help To Win The Coolest WordPress Competition!

    Yes, our blog is cool enough! WPengineer participates on the contest for the coolest WordPress is searching for the best blog that is writing about WordPress. Since we are talking quite a bit about WordPress on our blog we thought we give a shot and join the competition. Big prices are on the table,…

  • Blog Action Day: Poverty – Parallels Between Webdesign And Real World!

    Poverty is the topic of todays Blog Action Day. If you thing about poverty, first think what comes in mind are poor people, poor countries, where people don’t have anything to eat or a house to live in. But why does it always have to have a human aspect if you talk about the term…