wp_list_comments In WordPress 2.7

The comment functionality enhances quite a bit in WordPress 2.7. Additional to the possiblility to answer comments directly in your backend, there is also a threaded comment support available. Threaded comments enables users to reply on an exist comment, and the discussion will be displayed threaded or nested. Below you can see a screenshot from the default theme:

Screenshot threded comments in WordPress 2.7

If you take a look into comments.php, you will notice some alterations. A short “comment loop” was introduced wp_list_comments() and it manages the complete output of comments. Here is the code:

// some other code

This purge the comments.php immense. But it might be a disadvantage for theme authors, since they hardly have the possibility to change the output of comments. And that WordPress developers having their own vision of HTML and CSS is a common knowledge. Right now, we have to wait and see, since it’s an early version. It will be interesting how this develops.





6 responses to “wp_list_comments In WordPress 2.7”

  1. Dan Lee Avatar

    I’m not so sure this is going to be a negative thing, but man am I having a difficult time understanding how to fully style the comments now. Its not like we can just edit a class in CSS now. There’s more to it and its a little frustrating right now. Oh well.

  2. Andy Bailey Avatar

    I really need to see how the comment data is spit out to the template so I can add certain things for my plugins. I hope something more comes out soon!

  3. Alex Avatar

    Hey Dan and Andy, we surely will provide helpful posts on this subject in the near future. Stay tuned.

  4. […] is very little documentation yet on this tag but some more info can be found here, here and here. I guess to style the comments you would need something called a custom callback function […]

  5. Agus Suhanto Avatar

    I have written a post about moving Reply button in the WordPress comment thread, from the beginning of the thread to the end of the thread. The goal of this action is to make it easier for the readers when replying comment-thread.

    I think my post is related to this post, so I wrote the link of the post here:


  6. Kavita Avatar

    I am using arthemia theme for my blog and it does not show reply link to comments. I have added the required code for reply button below comments. Infact wp_list_comments() is not there in comments template of arthemia free theme and I use wordpress 3.0.1.

    So for some themes comments code needs to be altered although one uses the latest wordpress version.