Tag: WordPress Tutorials

  • Add Avatar To WordPress Default

    Avatars are popular as identification and with the service Gravatar it is largely used in the comment area of different applications. WordPress allows the user some basic settings. For example loading a default or generated Avatar, if the commentator doesn’t have one. Various themes have a standard Avatar to match the design. But even here…

  • Identify Authors With Gravatars

    Since WordPress version 2.5, it is easier to include the Gravatar of a comment author in the comments. WordPress offers a feature that is easy to use and it brings some parameters with. In order to use and how to include a Gravatar, I would refer to the article „Gravatar Use Easy“. But with this…

  • Update Informations Only for Admins

    If you only want to let users, who are privileged to receive information about updates and plugins, you should copy the following code to your functions.php of your theme. These users have to have the right “edit plugin” (edit_plugins) to receive updates. Alternative: use the plugin Secure WordPress, the plugin has inside the function to…

  • Google News To Release With WordPress

    Google News can be a coveted platform. But Google needs for the aggregation a special format – News Sitemap. Basically you can create this format in two ways with WordPress. Both solutions will be presented here. I will talk about the second example more in detail, because I believe it shows very nicely how to…

  • Easy Way For Advertisement In WordPress

    Since version 2.5 WordPress introduced the shortcode API, more detail about it in our article „WordPress Shortcode API“. Recently I had a task which is surely common, but with the help of shortcode API and custom fields very easy to solve. I had to include some advertisements (in german: Werbung) into some articles. In each…

  • How To Improve WordPress Plugins

    With the upcoming WordPress release version 2.7 the menu changes to the vertical. This offers several features to the author which we already mentioned in some other posts. But this time I explicitly address Plugin authors and ask them to make their Plugins more user friendly in terms of usability. I will show only two…