Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Publish Your Posts Later On Your Website

    I explained quite a while ago about publishing a feed with a certain delay. Of course you can do this also for your frontend. Thus, the content will be published to the reader only after a certain period of time. A little script as an example will show you how.

  • What’s the difference between __(), _e(), _x(), and _ex()?

    If you’re a thorough plugin developer you’re internationalizing (i18n) all your strings. WordPress includes several functions that allow the programmer to easily make his plugin usable natively worldwide: __() _e() _x() _ex() _n() In some older plugins you may find the function _c() which is deprecated and replaced by _x() since version 2.9. If you’re…

  • Plugin to Remove Comments Completely from WordPress

    Plugin to Remove Comments Completely from WordPress

    The comment feature in WordPress is an essential component of blogs – but not in all cases it’s needed, especially if you use it as a traditional CMS. Sure, you can just leave out the comment form while you creating a theme and disable the comment options in your backend. But this is not the…

  • New Plugin to Style your Plugin on WordPress Admin with Default Styles!

    WordPress is developing fast – this also applies to the design of the backend. So it is important not to use your own styles in the admin area and use tags and classes of WordPress. This is the best way you can simplify your work as a developer and you don’t have to test the…

  • WordPress MultiSite, Plugins and Activation

    WordPress MultiSite, Plugins and Activation

    WordPress offers for normal Plugins the hook register_activation_hook();. This is active right after the activation of a Plugin, so you can start small installation scripts. But if we are in a MultiSite environment (old: MultiUser) and put the Plugin in the folder wp-content/mu-plugins, then the hook doesn’t do anything, because the Plugin is automatically activated.…

  • Localization with JavaScript in WordPress

    Creating Plugins and Theme functions with multilanguage capability has been established knowadays.Especially for us as German developers it is a must have. But there are some difficulties if you are using JavaScript, the question is how to provide it multilingual or provide option values in different languages. WordPress offers some possibilities and I like to…