Show Amount Of Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags, Comments For WordPress Themes

It looks like showing total amount of posts, pages and some other statistical values are very popular right now. I received many inquiries how to show statistical values on your front end.

Following solution only works with WordPress 2.5 or higher. If you need help for a lower version, let me know in the comment field and I’ll try to help.

Number of posts

$num_posts = wp_count_posts( 'post' );            
$num_posts = $num_posts->publish; //publish, draft

Number of pages

$num_pages = wp_count_posts( 'page' );     
$num_pages = $num_pages->publish; //publish

Number of categories

$num_cats  = wp_count_terms('category'); 

Number of Tags

$num_tags  = wp_count_terms('post_tag');

Number of comments

$num_comm  = get_comment_count();                                             
$num_comm  = $num_comm['approved']; //approved, awaiting_moderation, spam, tot

// Solution 2
$num_comm2 = wp_count_comments( );                                            
$num_comm2 = $num_comm2->approved; //approved, moderated, spam, total_comments


The above syntax shows simple how to get the values without including HTML. In another example I show you all results in HTML as a list. Everybody can adjust the format to integrate in their design.

publish; //publish, draft
$num_posts = sprintf( __ngettext( '%s Post', '%s Posts', $num_posts ), number_format_i18n( $num_posts ) );

$num_pages = wp_count_posts( 'page' );
$num_pages = $num_pages->publish; //publish
$num_pages = sprintf( __ngettext( '%s Page', '%s Pages', $num_pages ), number_format_i18n( $num_pages ) );

$num_cats  = wp_count_terms('category');
$num_tags  = wp_count_terms('post_tag');

$num_comm  = get_comment_count();
$num_comm  = $num_comm['approved']; //approved, awaiting_moderation, spam, total_comments
$num_comm  = sprintf( __ngettext( '%s Categorie', '%s Categories', $num_comm ), number_format_i18n( $num_comm ) );
$num_comm2 = wp_count_comments( );
$num_comm2 = $num_comm2->approved; //approved, moderated, spam, total_comments

echo '
    '; echo '
  • Posts: ' . $num_posts . '
  • '; echo '
  • Pages: ' . $num_pages . '
  • '; echo '
  • Categories: ' . $num_cats . '
  • '; echo '
  • Tags: ' . $num_tags . '
  • '; echo '
  • Comments: ' . $num_comm . '
  • '; echo '
  • Comments 2: ' . $num_comm2 . '
  • '; echo '
'; ?>

You can adjust the design of these lists. You can use classes or IDs. An example is in article „Total Amount of Comments“ (in german language), where you can see a button with the amount of comments.





2 responses to “Show Amount Of Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags, Comments For WordPress Themes”

  1. dlv Avatar

    great resource, and clear explained
    thanks for share it !


  2. Wilo Avatar


    Is it possible to count the number of parent catgories??
