Tag: Code

  • Easier And Better Solutions To Get Pictures On Your Posts

    WordPress makes it pretty easy to upload picture on posts and pages. Thereby are various data stored, which can be used. Again and again, you can read tutorials on how to bring photos to posts, normally this is a solution via the custom fields. But there is a different and simpler solution, I think. The…

  • WordPress Database Functions

    The WordPress database class is quite extensive and provides a range of methods to work effectively with the database and thereby use the WordPress standard. You can find the class in /wp-includes/wp-db.php where the individual methods are documented. I show the most important ones and give some small examples. It is important to work with…

  • WordPress Searchform, Template Tag or Template

    There are several ways to integrate search function into a theme for WordPresss, usually built in a template, which is included into the theme. This is not in all cases necessary and can also be realized by using a WordPress template tag.

  • Filter Duplicate Posts in the Loop

    As the question arises quite often I’d like to show how I make sure that the content presented, which were output in a loop, not showed up again in a second loop.

  • Set options on activation Themes

    The Photo Blog Theme Greyfoto has been updated and I wanted to make sure that the settings of WordPress are as I need them for the theme. Therefore must be written some data in the database when activate. Currently there is no hook for this, as is known for Plugins. The discussion on WP-Hacker-List was…

  • Check If Required Plugin Is Active

    It might be, that your own written Plugin requires another stand alone Plugin to be active. For example if you like to offer a version with enhanced functionality of a Plugin. There are certainly a variety of usage and the implementation is not difficult. For the implementation, we need the active Plugins, which are found…