Year: 2011

  • Localization with JavaScript in WordPress

    Creating Plugins and Theme functions with multilanguage capability has been established knowadays.Especially for us as German developers it is a must have. But there are some difficulties if you are using JavaScript, the question is how to provide it multilingual or provide option values in different languages. WordPress offers some possibilities and I like to…

  • Adding Input Fields To Comment Form

    Adding Input Fields To Comment Form

    Most comment forms contain the same input fields: Name, Email, URL and the comment text field. This is sufficient for most use cases but there are situations where you might want to know a bit more about your commenter: their age, the city they live in, or the color of their underwear. This article explains…

  • Comment Form Hooks Visualized

    Most themes (e.g. TwentyTen) use the comment_form() function to insert the comment form after posts. There are quite some hooks inside the function but they are hard to localize. The codex documentation isn’t too helpful, neither. To give you an easy overview the following diagrams visualize the points where the various hooks are anchored. The…

  • WordPress Framework with Intuitive Backup Functionality for Better Local Development and Option-Router!

    WordPress Framework with Intuitive Backup Functionality for Better Local Development and Option-Router!

    A new version of Xtreme One, the WordPress Framework, was released last week. It includes two major new features. With the new developed Option-Router it’s possible that the Childthemes manage their own settings, layouts and additional all used Widgets with all their content. That means, you can switch between the Childthemes and have the specified…

  • Add trash button to WordPress Admin Bar

    Add trash button to WordPress Admin Bar

    Add Custom buttons to WordPress Admin Bar Since version 3.1 of WordPress you have an Admin Bar with several functions. It’s an easy task to add custom buttons to the Admin Bar. I will show you how with an example of a “trash” button. This will be another example how to extend your Admin Bar,…

  • View Blog ID in WordPress Multisite

    When you work quite a bit with WordPress Multisites, sometimes you need the IDs for some functions or Plugins. The easiest way is via the hover effect with your mouse or you use a little code snippet to add a column with the ID in the table view.