Month: May 2010

  • Our WordPress Developer Toolbox

    Again and again the question comes in: What do you use as an environment to develop with WordPress. Some suggestions I would like to give, these are just my preferences, but I would be happy if you tell me your preferences of tools. Maybe there is one or the other useful tool included, I never…

  • Convert Content of Pre-Tags in HTML-Code

    There are two different ways to display a source code instead of executing a source code in a post or page. Depending on preferences which HTML tag is defined in the style sheet and provided with formatting, code fragments are either declared by <code> or <pre>. In some cases, combining the blogger even both tags.…

  • Use More Flexibility In WordPress Templates

    Those who have wanted to create their Theme for WordPress quite flexible, and loves the modularization, had always to involve the path to the template. With WordPress 3.0, this will be different and it is possible to use a function, which makes it easy to load the template.