Category: WordPress News

  • WordPress Trash Is Coming

    I would like to show you briefly what the new function trash is all about. Users of Gmail are aware of the possibility in a web application: you move content into the trash and the content will be deleted after a certain time. Alternatively, you can also restore the content, always depending on a defined…

  • WP Engineer With A New Member

    Last weekend we all had the opportunity to meet at Frank’s house. A weekend without Internet, Skype and Twitter. Only interresting talks, a lot of beer and barbecue.

  • Use WordPress Voting

    Just because of that you should submit your vote for 2.9 Media Features: I already expressed my opinion about it in the article „Core Plugins – Bless Or Curse“. I assume that Canonical Plugins are similar to Core Plugins and are made available by a community, which ensures that they are compatible with the Core.

  • wp topics – Most Relevant News, Useful Tutorials And Influential Voices of WordPress in One Place!

    Today we have a little link tip for our readers: At wp topics you can find all useful news, hacks, tutorials about WordPress in one place right away! It’s organized by “General News”, “Coding & Tutorials”, “Design & Themes”, “Entrepreneurs”, “Multimedia” and “Automattic Team”. In each category are the most relevant and interesting websites about…

  • Caution When Updating To WordPress 2.8

    Thanks to Heiko of WordPress Deutschland and Code Styling Project who brought up the problem on WordPress Deutschland: Users reporting me, that they are missing files, after they automatically updated to WordPress version 2.8 and there were a problem while updating. I checked out the WordPress Trac and found a brand new record, which confirms…

  • WordPress 2.8 Feature Password

    WordPress 2.8 is going to be published soon, even though they do not have a date yet. Nevertheless, another small insight into a new feature. After a new installation of WordPress, you get informed that you are logged in with the default password and this can be a security risk. It is therefore strongly recommended…